Cdla. Kennedy Julian Lara Calderón 115 entre Teodoro Maldonado y Gonzalo Zaldumbide
Lun - Vie : 08:30 - 18:00

Our Services

Lun - Vie : 08:30 - 18:00

Our Main Services

Economic services provided by the finance industry, which encompasses a broad
range of businesses that manage money, including credit unions.
Outsourcing Contable

Outsourcing Contable

Contabilidad y Cumplimiento Fiscal y Laboral

Revisión de Contabilizaciones Impuestos Elaboración de Anexos IESS MRL Supercías

Auditoría y Consultoría

Auditoría y Consultoría

Contable, Tributaria y Legal

Toma física de Inventarios Levantamiento de Activos Implementación de Sistema Contable Control Interno

Asesoramiento Empresarial

Asesoramiento Empresarial

Tributario y Financiero

Beneficios Tributarios Identificación de Fallas Tributarias Informes para Instituciones Bancarias

View Our Presentation Video

We Love Or Clients

We are always ahead

Proffesional solutions for your business.

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Affiliates Registered
Market-leading experience
Successful Investments
Market-leading experience
Satisfied Clients
Market-leading experience

Investment Banking

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Sales & Trading

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Investment Management

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Market Research

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Testimonials from customers who are satisfied with services have been effectively used in
marketing for as long as marketing has existed.

I enjoyed working with you guys very much! No matter what issues or questions popped up, you were always there to assist. I appreciate your service, quality products and professional approach in every aspect. Keep up the excellent job and let us know what comes next!

Patricio RiveraGerente General

I enjoyed working with you guys very much! No matter what issues or questions popped up, you were always there to assist. I appreciate your service, quality products and professional approach in every aspect. Keep up the excellent job and let us know what comes next!

Antonio BejaranoGerente General

Being a company's director requires maximum attention and devotion. This was exactly what I felt when turned to your products and services. All our questions and inquiries were answered effectively and right away. Our website has never looked better, ever. Thank you.

David VásquezGerente General

You never know what is gooing to happen until you try. But let me tell you that taking risk with these guys was totally worth it. Now we are a regular client, and this was probably the best decision we ever made! Our company appreciates your assistance and great work!

Carlos AvilésGerente General
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